“When my aging parents faced a series of health issues, it turned my entire family into caregivers. Coordinating daily tasks and services among family, friends and others using email, text, phone calls and spreadsheets was stressful and error-prone. This led to frustration, miscommunication, and at least one emergency room visit.”
–Nizar Allibhoy, Founder

This scenario is becoming all too common: non-professional caregivers like friends and family provide foundational care and support for the elderly, the impaired, and those with chronic illness. And yet, these personal networks lack practical tools to coordinate effective care across community, service, and professional health care providers.

Kerry takes the stress and struggle out of care management for every individual in a care circle, from the patient to the family member to the health care professional.


Kerry is a text-based AI companion that anyone can customize to delegate tasks. Whether you’re a family member caring for an individual, an organization using Kerry to streamline their scheduling needs, or a local community group providing service to its members, Kerry does it all


Immediate care team: friends, family, and neighbors

Community groups: church, service, and municipal groups

Marketplace service providers: health professionals, retail, restaurants


Each provider within a care circle designates the task types they wish to support as well as service parameters like location, cost, and timing

Loved ones or immediate caregivers can add and manage care tasks

Care tasks are defined by location, type, duration and other parameters

Single-event or complex scheduling with dependencies


Customize your Kerry companion, and it is ready to assist!

Kerry matches tasks, prioritizing immediate care to available community and marketplace providers

Each task is evaluated based on provider availability, proximity, cost, etc.

Kerry tracks the progress of each task, with reminders as needed and follow-ups to the original request